HaPpY nEw YeAr!!!
Sunday, Jan. 01, 2006, 16:10

Happy New Years!!! Its that time again Dear Diarylanders for the planning of the resolutions. Its odd now when I look back on years past and what I resolved to do. For many years I had the same resolution......"To get over the Player" that is no longer an issue. It took me almost 5 years to accomplish that goal and now I can proudly say that I don't find him the least bit attractive in any way. Go me!
At some point along the way I had convinced myself that I would never love another man as much as I loved him, and I have stuck to that one too.....damn it.
I usually resolve to take better care of myself and to not let my boss stress me so much, but I never seem to manage doing that. I seem to get more weary and more stressed as the years go on. I seem to get sicker as I get older and I never feel at ease when I am at work. That really sucks too because I love my job, the people I work with and the hospital. The only thorn in my side is my boss. I need to do some research on managing stressful people. So far the only thing I can find says to eliminate those people from your life and at the moment, that is not an option.
I ususally resolve to find love and to be happier in general. That never works out either, so this year the resolution is to stop. Stop looking for love, stop trying to find a man, stop surfing the dating site, stop feeling so desperate and to start being happy with MYSELF,by MYSELF and on my own. Thats a tall order, so I will let you know how it works out.
Another area of my life that I need to work on is my obsession with Turtle. Whenever I log in to Diaryland, I go to my buddylist first thing and see who has updated. I quickly glance over the list, immediately scroll to the bottom (sorry guys) and look to see if his name in in red. Glory be if it is and I go to his page first thing to see if he has found his love yet. I also need to get the notion out of my head that he and I would be perfect for each other if we lived crazy is that???

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"The greatest happiness of life is the conviction that we are loved - loved for ourselves, or rather, loved in spite of ourselves."
Victor Hugo