First Date
Saturday,Mar.29,2003, 12:44

Saturday March 29,2003 First Date

I can't believe that I am not nervous. I actually feel comfortable, at ease, like I don't have a care in the world...of course it is only 8 am and I won't see him until after I get off work at 7p. The day goes pretty much same as normal with the exception of people asking "Are you nervous??" and saying "I can't believe you are going to actually meet him." Well, I am...this is the day that I meet "J" face to face...see we met online at one of those singles sites...we IM'd for a week, chatting everyday...he is so funny and he seems amazed by my quick wit...he told me that he has never met anyone who could match his wit, let alone a woman...we have the same talent for taking ANY comment and putting a sexual twist on it... P:"Man, this is hard."...J:"Thats what she said." to which I reply..."Thats not what she told me!" we like the same odd foods (ham and pineapple pizza....YUMM),same music, same movies, we are so simular it is eerie. We even see the same Allergist for our Asthma treatment.....spoooky! Then come to find out our birthdays are two days apart...tah dah, thats it.

But I we IM'd for a week spoke on the phone everyday for a week and now finally tonight I am ready to meet him. I can't believe that I am not nervous, of course it is only 3pm and my mind has been occupied with ventilator checks, ABGs,deliveries, and admitting 28 week twins to the NICU....I haven't had time to be nervous. It didn't really hit me until I was changing clothes, redoing my hair and makeup......"OMIGOD, I am going to see him...what if he thinks I am ugly, too skinny or both...I look like hell, I have been up since 4am, just worked a 12 hr shift....what am I thinking...this is awful!!!!!"

I regain my composure...walk through NICU because the nurses want to see how I look for the big date (its a bonding thing..we single gals live vicariously through each others social lives) I do look good, baby blue turtleneck under a black leather jacket, jeans and black daughter says the jacket makes me look like one of Charlie's Angels....which may be a plus because "J" is old enough to remember the original Angels and every little boy in America thought they were hott!!

I call him as I am leaving work, he is just heading for the shower (he had to work late) and we decide to meet at Books A Million. I can do a little shopping while he gets I am really nervous...I realize that I don't really know what he looks like....what if I talk to the wrong person....what if he sees me and ditches me....?????????

I head out to my car to wait...I am sitting in my car when I notice that there is an Expedition parked in front of the store...but I can't see the mans face too well.... that may be him,so I wait a few minutes then I call him....just as he answers the man leans over and I can't see if he is on the phone or not....this is too nerve wracking...what do I do...go peck on the window...."J" says that he is pulling into the parking lot now and "You won't believe it, there is an Expedition just like mine in front of the store." I believe it, I have been watching it for eons, trying to get the nerve to peck on the window...thank goodness I didn't!! He pulls the truck around to pick me up....I open the door...and...he is sooooo cute....and the first thing he says to me is "You are not that look great." Wow what a compliment since I had told him that I am a stick figure. 5'7" and about 115....I am very self conscious about my weight...(the last blind date I had called me skinny and told me that I needed to put on some which I laughed because he was 5'10 and weighed like 150).......... This is going to be a great night......... Foot note** This is a Pieces of You entry written on Jun.02,2003***

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"The greatest happiness of life is the conviction that we are loved - loved for ourselves, or rather, loved in spite of ourselves."
Victor Hugo