Saturday, Aug. 16, 2003, 22:03

I am having a tough time putting my finger on just what is happening here. You told me that you did not see us in a long term relationship because of one or two personality differences (no big issues really,just different hobbies and/or interests.)I understand that you want a partner that can do certain things with you that I am unable to...(Asthma takes its toll on my ability to mountain climb and cycle 40 miles a day.) And you more than anyone deserves exactly what you want and need, but each day the "pro relationship" list seems to grow while the "con relationship" list stays the same. Hmmm?

You tell me that you date a lot,but that you have done things with me that you do with no other woman. You have trusted me more than others and let me into parts of your life that you keep hidden from the usual passerby. It seems that you connect with me and I with you....that we click and that what we are doing is perfectly natural and in sync with the universe. That may be a little overboard, but the fact remains that you have opened up your heart and soul to me in ways that you say no other has experienced. You have told me things that on our first date you swore to me you never talked about to anyone. Why me? Can you see the pattern here? Can you let go of the few differences we have long enough to see the joy and the blessings that we could bring to one another? I am not saying that I want to marry you, that would be ludicrous. I am only wanting you and I to take a chance and to not give up too soon.

You said that some of the things that endear you to me now may drive me crazy six months down the road. True,but Sweetie, I am willing to take that chance if you are. We could be awesome together.

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"The greatest happiness of life is the conviction that we are loved - loved for ourselves, or rather, loved in spite of ourselves."
Victor Hugo