5 Questions
Wednesday, Sept. 10, 2003, 14:13


1) When you were a child, what was your life's ambition?

I wanted to be a Flight Attendant, although then you were called an Airline Stewardess. I wanted to see the world and I was tall and thin, which were the requirements in those days. The only other occupation for a twig girl was modeling which is too hard to break into and not very practical.

2) What is your biggest regret?

It used to be not moving to California when I graduated from High School, but I have my children now and they would not be here if I had done things differently. So that regret turned out to be a blessing in disguise.

3) Assuming you have reached this point, what made you realize that life is not what you thought it would be?

I realized that from the get go, so to speak...I always said in High School that I was going travel, have a career, house, all my own things before I got married. That I wasn't getting married until I was 30 and didn't plan to have any children......instead, I moved out when I was 18, got pregnant, married,pregnant again, and divorced all before my 24th birthday. I had my third child at age 29, am 34 now and still not married. But once again, I am truly blessed and wouldn't change my problems for anyone else's.

4) What would you like to accomplish/achieve in the next five years?

I would like to be happily married, advance in my profession, and to finally have peace of mind.

5) If you had one wish (and you couldn't wish for more wishes), what would you wish for?

Lots of moolah, enough to pay off my house and be debt free with enough left over for a comfortable retirement.

***Thanks to Ciulionn for these 5 questions***

If anyone else would like to play along with this, post a note or sign the Guest book and I will come up with 5 questions for you. HEY sign the Guest Maps too!!!!

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"The greatest happiness of life is the conviction that we are loved - loved for ourselves, or rather, loved in spite of ourselves."
Victor Hugo