Mr. Right Now
Monday, Jun. 20, 2005, 19:29

It has been 51 days since I posted an entry. This is the longest pause in posting for me EVER!! I'm not exactly sure what to make of it because part of the reason that I haven't posted is because I have been too busy. Another reason is because I really haven't been inspired to write anything. Both reasons have the same underlying cause, a new man. Yes, thats what I said..... A NEW MAN!!!

Life is a funny thing and it often does not go according to plan. My last posting ended with a yummy goodnight kiss from DH, a new friend of mine who I have...err had the serious hots for. What I failed to mention was RC, a guy I met at the bar the same night I went to hear DH play.
RC was the perfect jerk. He was too drunk, too persistent and too in my face. I told him that I was there to see the singer and he would not leave me alone. I was grateful for his company because that meant I didn't have to sit alone and it also meant that no other drunken fools would hit on me. But I did not appreciate his inability to quit trying to pick me up. However, I do recall thinking more than once, that I bet he was a really great guy when he wasn't so inebriated. At some point we must have exchanged numbers because he called me the next morning to make sure that I got home ok and to apologize for his behavior the night before. He then called later that evening to ask me out to dinner and I accepted.

My instincts were right, he is an awesome man and we have been seeing each other ever since. We get together at least three times a week and we talk on the phone several times a day. Hence, the reason that I have been too busy to post. My days off work are usually spent with him so I haven't been on line much. DH is seeing someone else as well, so that in part gave me the incentive to see where things with RC would go.
Now for the worrisome part. I haven't been inspired to write anything about him. I haven't run to the computer to spill my hopes and dreams for the future. I haven't been giddy with excitement over the mere thought of him. While he is a great man and I love him dearly, it seems that I may have found my "Mr. Right Now" and I am perfectly fine with that.
It is somewhat sad but also somewhat refreshing to take things one day at a time and not be overly concerned with the future. Time will tell,as is usually the case.

last - next

"The greatest happiness of life is the conviction that we are loved - loved for ourselves, or rather, loved in spite of ourselves."
Victor Hugo