Saturday, May. 10, 2003, 12:47

Today I feel so amazing.....who'da thunk it?????

Last night I went to dinner with my new friend and I continue to be in awe of him. He is so sweet and unselfish that I truly can't believe that he is for real. Keep in mind that I am used to dealing with the most selfish asshole, who thinks of noone and who loves only himself. This man has never even thought of doing a selfless thing in his life. He is the true example of a WIIFM, (Whats In It For Me?)

Enter "J", the total opposite of everything that I ever thought of men....actually I had become rather harsh and cynical of the male species. However "J" continues daily to amaze me and prove all my theories wrong. He is a 36 year old bachelor.....single, no responsibilities really...he has a roommate to split bills with, a great job, drives an would think that he would be out living the good life, partying, dating, blowing money, but he doesn't. I on the other hand have 3 kids, house and car payment, too many bills to mention, a great job...but not the time or the money to play and have fun.....the point is that if I were in his shoes, I would be living it up...know what I mean??

But he doesn't, in fact he is getting an award on Wednesday for donating money to preschool programs and helping needy families at Christmas........awwww. I think I may have met the man of my dreams, only time will tell.

last - next

"The greatest happiness of life is the conviction that we are loved - loved for ourselves, or rather, loved in spite of ourselves."
Victor Hugo