Could be?
Tuesday, Jun. 24, 2003, 11:48

I think I may have figured out my problem. Many years of questioning, may be answered in a few sentences. All my "Whys?" and "How comes?" may be explained in this month's issue of Cosmo. The Lessons In Love section asks "Are you causing a Rift?" and I cannot believe that I am guilty of three of the four things....well, maybe I do number four a little bit also......OH MY...this is why I cannot keep a man's attention for longer than three months. (Remember the Curses entry?)

#1. Going too easy on him......He flakes on plans and you let him off the hook.....Guilty... Hey I understand that life happens. Things come up unexpectedly and plans need to change. I am flexible. I may be disappointed but I don't want to seem like a witch and get all huffy when things don't work out. Thats a bad thing?? Apparently, Cosmo says thats why I get treated like a doormat.

#2. Never seeking his counsel......Guilty... I am independent, I like to figure it out on my own. I get alot of personal satisfaction from it. For instance, if I have a computer problem, then I will buy a book or get on the internet to find the solution. I like to learn new things and it feels good to say "I did it."...and besides I don't want to look like a needy, helpless girl, yeck....hmmm...this says if I asked for help he will feel NEEDED, not burdened like I thought.

#3. Overindulging him......Always letting him pick the restaurant......Guilty... Like I said before, I am flexible and I can eat almost anything. True, sometimes I am in the mood for something specific, but most of the time anything goes. I don't want to seem picky or hard to please. Also,most times I don't even know what kind of resturants are where. I don't eat out much being a single mom with three kids. Wendy's and Sonic are the usual for us. And who wants to be responsible for picking the resturant if the food sucks? I would feel really bad if he spent good money on terrible food that I picked out....Hmmm....'Guys need to feel challenged to stay interested.' OK Cosmo, maybe I will start speaking up and make some of the decisions, stop being so easygoing and easy to please.

#4. Teasing him in front of his buddies......NOT guilty... HMMM...Although I do give a good natured low blow every now and then...Oxymoron? Its all in fun, I mean if he can't take a joke,who needs him? I was just kidding, sheesh. This says that men rag each other as a sign of affection, but from a girl it makes him feel "emasculated"??? WTF? I thought that guys liked a girl that can hang with the boys and fit in with the crowd. Guess not. I will have to start boosting ego rather than kidding around. But, you know when I do give a whole hearted compliment it is usually answered with a "Yea, right..whatever..what do you want now?" and I have to explain that I really did mean what I said...which usually makes it worse.

Alright, Cosmo I will take your advice and change my ENTIRE personality in order to stop causing these "rifts" as you call them. Or maybe it will just be easier to remain single. Guess I had better learn to love cats.

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"The greatest happiness of life is the conviction that we are loved - loved for ourselves, or rather, loved in spite of ourselves."
Victor Hugo