Are things like this all over? Answer these questions please.
Wednesday, Jul. 02, 2003, 21:42

Today, I am doing something alittle different. I am appealing to all my Diaryland friends to help me out. I have been wondering about some things and I am hoping that I will find the answers through these pages. I am doing a little research to find out if some of the things that we do in Tennessee are "Southern" things or if it is like this all over the country and/or world.....

What brought this all about is that I met a sales rep at the hospital who was from Maryland, and a co-worker of mine was explaining to her how to speak "Southern"......he simply told her not to move her jaw when she pronounced words. Actually it was quite funny because she thought that she couldn't move her lips either and the words came out even funnier that it does when the best Redneck says them. She bragged that a friend had taught her how to put lipstick on without a mirror, you know this being a "Southern thing" and all. Actually I did not know that was a Southern thing, I just assumed that most women applied lipstick without looking in the mirror. Thats what I do after all.

SO...this is where I need your help. I am posting a list of things that we do around here in these parts and I want you guys to tell me if it is a Southern thing, or if it is the norm for most areas. Sounds like fun, right?

Oh and please sign the Guestmaps too.

****Are things like this all over?****

#1. The lipstick thing...Do you use a mirror to apply ?

#2. We put ketchup on french fries, Do you? Also is it ketchup or catsup??

#3. I love to eat chocolate gravy over homemade biscuits, Have you ever eaten this? (I have a scrumptuous recipe, if you would like to try it. Delish!!)

#4. We also put sugar and butter on grits. I have heard of New Yorkers using cheese....that just sounds gross, yeck. How do you or do you eat grits?

#5. We also put sugar on white rice and in iced tea, Sweet tea rocks.

#6. We have buzzards here that flock to the road kill, do you call them buzzards or vultures, are they the same thing?

#7. When we are driving and a funeral procession passes, we pull our car over to the shoulder and wait for it to pass. For example, if you were driving Southbound and saw a procession coming toward you heading Northbound, you are to pull over to the side of the road ( even on a small divided four lane highway) and wait there until the entire line of cars have passed. Sometimes there are alot of cars, but it is considered rude to begin moving before the last car with their headlights on has passed you. This shows respect for the deceased and the family. And yes, men remove their hats, we turn down the car radio, and wait until the complete procession has passed before we pull back onto the highway. Do people in other parts of the country do this???

I want to thank everyone for taking the time to send me your comments, you can sign the guestbook or post a note, either is fine. Be sweet, ya'll.

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"The greatest happiness of life is the conviction that we are loved - loved for ourselves, or rather, loved in spite of ourselves."
Victor Hugo