Monday, Nov. 10, 2003, 22:35

I lay here, awake in the dark. A single candle casts an eerie glow on the ceiling and I can almost see your face there. The shape of your eyes and the curve of your jaw. The way that your lips part just a little when you smile. I know that if I close my eyes, the vision will vanish and I will be left alone once again. I start to drift off, knowing that dreams will follow like scattered wisps of smoke floating up from the candle as its flame dies. Do you know that each time you leave me, a little part of me dies and a small part of my flame is extinguished forever? Each parting from you is like a sculptor, chiseling away at my heart, hoping to one day carve through to the beauty of my soul.

I close my eyes and before I know it, morning has come. The sun shines through the blinds as flecks of dust dance in swirls around the room. I stretch and yawn, relieved that the darkness is gone. But as I reach over and touch your empty pillow, a tear falls and I realize I am still alone.

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"The greatest happiness of life is the conviction that we are loved - loved for ourselves, or rather, loved in spite of ourselves."
Victor Hugo