Saturday, Sept. 04, 2004, 00:38

I just got home from the most amazing date. Made at the last minute, with no planning and no preparation. I didn't have time to stress over what to wear, did this or that look better or how to fix my hair. I just put my hair up in a clip, stroked on some lip gloss and headed out the door,wearing jeans, a red hoodie and a t shirt (not my usual first date type of attire)

We ate at O'Charley's,took the kids to Chuck E Cheese for games and then to the movie. I had talked with James online off and on since about January or so,resigned myself to the fact that we probably never would meet in person and had marked it up to yet another long distance friend.(Not that I am complaining,I just didn't see a love match happening) But tonight changed all of that. He is absolutely wonderful, he told me that he has been very interested in me since we first said hello to each other and that the only obstacle left was to meet in person and see if the chemistry was there. Indeed it was for both of us, more so for him than I but that is because I am a chicken shit when it comes to letting my guard down. He told me over and over that I am beautiful and gave me the sweetest smiles as he gazed at me over dinner. Even during Hannah's and Peter's belching match, he looked at me as if he was in awe of who was sitting at his table. Things between us were comfortable as if it had always been like this, our families together sharing an evening out.

While we were playing Skee ball at Chuck E Cheese he asked me what would it take to make me consider blending our families together, that he could imagine doing this sort of thing with us everyday. I told him "Oh, about 3 carats." and he laughed. As I wondered if he was serious he said aloud "I really mean it. There are hospitals in Florida, you know. You could easily get a job down there. I have even looked at a few places." (It seems that he has really given this some thought, which absolutely floored me)

WOW, I am still amazed,things like this don't happen to me. At least they didn't used to.

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"The greatest happiness of life is the conviction that we are loved - loved for ourselves, or rather, loved in spite of ourselves."
Victor Hugo