Bean Pole
Monday, Apr. 19, 2004, 14:58

I just read Cornflake1's
diary and she mentioned something that we talked about once. The fact that we are both skinny and how people don't think twice about commenting on that.

I realized that I am dreading warmer weather (it is supposed to get up to 80 this week) because I will be forced to wear short sleeves and show off my thinness. I probably wouldn't be so self conscious about it if people didn't wrap their fingers around my arm and say "Oh look at those skinny arms." or squeeze my knee and say "Look at this tiny little leg." I mean honestly what gives? Shouldn't I then be able to go hug someone and say "My, you are getting a little thick aren't you?" Or what about patting their stomach and saying "Can I borrow your spare tire the next time I get a flat?" Someone would lay me out flat if I did that!!

I do wish that people realized that not all thin people are working to be thin. Not all of us want to look like a stick girl, and we are not all on a diet. Sometimes thinness is not a choice. Folks tell me that they poke fun of me because they are jealous. Well I am jealous too of their voluptuous breasts and curvy behind. I want meat on my bones too! Now where are those bon bons that I had?

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"The greatest happiness of life is the conviction that we are loved - loved for ourselves, or rather, loved in spite of ourselves."
Victor Hugo