The Best Of Today
Friday, Apr. 22, 2005, 21:57

THE BEST SONG I HEARD TODAY: David Hales' Waiting (but of course I am even more partial to his music now that I have had dinner with him) He is sure to go far in the music industry and I will be able to say that I knew him 'way back when'.

THE SWEETEST INSTANT MESSAGE THAT I GOT TODAY : "Our interaction has been brief but you're just too appealing to not stand outside and throw pebbles on your window." From "P", the cellist in Texas.

THE BEST NEWS I GOT TODAY: My friend Ellery in California is finally leaving the real witch of a woman who has been a thorn in my side for much too long. He is now one step closer to coming to Tennessee to see me.

THE BEST THING I BOUGHT TODAY: A cute little black oriental fabric covered address book. It is to be used for all the things that the usual black book is used for. I have 22 entries so far. Note: these are not all sexual conquests of mine, mostly names and numbers of men from all over the country that I have met thru one online sevice or another. I figure this way I will always have somewhere to stay when the travel bug bites me *wink,wink.

THE BEST INSIGNIFICANT THING TO HAPPEN TO ME TODAY, I had a good hair day without even trying. In fact, I didn't "fix" my hair at all, it just sort of fell into place.

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"The greatest happiness of life is the conviction that we are loved - loved for ourselves, or rather, loved in spite of ourselves."
Victor Hugo