Shameless Plug
Friday, Apr. 15, 2005, 12:50

I have a new friend David who is a singer/song writer/musician/cutie pie all wrapped up in one. I ordered his CD "On My Own" and it arrived in the mail yesterday. Oh my goodness!!!!! I am lovin' it, the music is awesome. I have been playing it nonstop and as requested (by David himself) I have kept it cranked up loud. I have been dancing and singing and all the forest animals think that Dear Prissy has officially lost her mind.

I have even decided to claim "Fairy Tale" as the new Prissy-Pants theme song. I hope you don't mind, D.H. It sounds like it was written just for me and the crazy coincidence is that David wrote it on Valentine's Day "with sympathy for those who dream". Helloooo that would be me. Remember the Lonely Hearts Club that I hang out with on V Day because I NEVER have a date???

You really should go buy yourself a copy from CD Baby, you can find the link on David's website. You will not be sorry that you did. The latest song to get attention is "Waiting". You can listen to it and a few others from the CD in their entirety here: Garage Just look under songs in the menu on the right side and click to play.

There you go fellow D'Landers,shameless plug for the day. So go now, read the reviews, listen to the music, buy the CD and then leave me a note of thanks *wink,wink. C'mon, you know you NEED a new jam for your collection.

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"The greatest happiness of life is the conviction that we are loved - loved for ourselves, or rather, loved in spite of ourselves."
Victor Hugo