Friday, Jun. 18, 2004, 22:26

Well, I am at it again....changing the look of my diary. I don't know why, but these days I never seem to be satisfied with one thing for very long. Some people I know are afraid of change, but I seem to WANT to switch everything around, rearranging the look of things a lot lately, maybe because I wish to rearrange my life so much. Usually when I am down or tired of things, I cut my hair....I try on a new shorter, sassier do in order to feel as if I am no longer me. Or sometimes I change the color of my hair in an attempt to make a fresh start.

This time instead I have set the scissors and Loreal aside and revamped my diary for what seems like the hundredth time. I just finished with the entry page and I haven't the strength to tackle my older page tonight. Maybe I will leave my archives as they are... I mean, who says that all your diary pages can't look different from one another anyway???


I picked this template because it reminds me of a dear friend of mine. I know that he is probably tired of me oooohing and ahhhhing over him (you readers may be as well ;) and maybe in time I will get over it, but I am not quite there yet. The hands in this picture remind me of our hands and how I wish to be close to him always. The sunflower is a favorite of mine and he has painted a fantastic watercolor of sunflowers as well as a handmade Valentine card for me that has somewhat of a sunflower on the front. It is framed and sitting on my television, in fact.

I love you "M" and I always will. Smooch to you!


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"The greatest happiness of life is the conviction that we are loved - loved for ourselves, or rather, loved in spite of ourselves."
Victor Hugo