Just Friends
Tuesday, Jan. 13, 2004, 21:42

Things do not always go according to plan. No shit Sherlock. Sometimes there doesn't even have to be a plan for things to go wrong. Things are so confusing these days. I am confused and it appears that several people in my circle of friends are confused as well.

It is no big secret that I am single, on the prowl so to speak, and that I desire a relationship. At times I think that I want to be foot loose and fancy free and at others I desperately long for the comfort and security of knowing that someone loves only me.

I have dated a few men in the past year and I have made some really good friends. Friends that I love and cherish and would do anything for. Friendships that I believe come along only once or twice in a lifetime. Sometimes I just don't get it, though. Why is it that I am such a great "friend", but nothing more? What is it about me that makes men want to keep their romantic feelings out of the equation?

I have been told that I am cared for more than some that they have known for years. I am the first they think of to ask advice from. The first to show a painting that they have done or the first to review the newest poem. I am the one that they feel cozy and comfortable with, the one that they talk to for hours. The one that they want to share the latest joke with or to tell the details of the last horrible date they had. I have been told more than once that they have met someone and "Like you, she has a beautiful heart." or that "She is beautiful inside and out, just like you."

HELLOOOOOOOOOOO!!! Is anybody in there??!!?? Please, someone explain to me how this happens. Why is it that men will go looking for someone just like me to have a relationship with? Why do they search for something that is standing right there? I am a great friend to have, thats true,LOL. But I am an even better "Girlfriend". Won't someone please give me the chance to prove it???

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"The greatest happiness of life is the conviction that we are loved - loved for ourselves, or rather, loved in spite of ourselves."
Victor Hugo