You've Got Mail.
Saturday, Nov. 06, 2004, 12:33

I almost sent the email. I had the entire thing typed up, complete with greeting, body and closing. My cursor went precariously back and forth between "send" and "cancel". I knew it was a bad idea to send it, in fact it started out with I know this is probably a bad idea, but I am dying to see you. Drop me a note and let me know if you would like to get together this evening.

OK, hold it right there, if I know it is a bad idea and I am telling him that I know it is a bad idea, then why on earth would I send the thing?? Jeez, when did I become this pitiful mess of a woman that I have to beg for time with him. Why do I set myself up for disappointment? Why can't I let him go and forget about it? I'll tell you why, because I have a feeling about this one. I have a feeling that things would be wonderful for the two of us. It's not easy to explain, but just know that when I get a feeling about something, it usually pans out. [The little voice says "Don't you want someone who has the same feelings for you?"] Of course I do. Now if I could only learn the fine art of patience and give him the time to have those feelings.

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"The greatest happiness of life is the conviction that we are loved - loved for ourselves, or rather, loved in spite of ourselves."
Victor Hugo