Year of the Monkey
Friday, Jan. 02, 2004, 22:57

I was born in 1968, the Chinese year of the Monkey. I found this info on the web that describes my personality ALMOST to a tee. It really is scary sometimes the things that you learn about yourself. With 2004 being the year of the monkey, it promises to be one of my best years yet. Looking back (with the cycles being twelve years) 1992 was the last year of the monkey and that was the year that I got divorced and finally started to find myself again. It will be interesting to see if this all pans out.

The Year of the Monkey starts on the 22nd January 2004

The Monkey is born under the sign of fantasy. They are imaginative, inquisitive, and love to keep an eye on everything that is going on around them. TRUE

They are never backward in offering advice or trying to sort out problems of others. They like to be helpful and their advice is invariably sensible and reliable. TRUE

They are intelligent, well read and always extremely eager to learn. They have an extremely good memory and there are many Monkeys who have made particularly good linguists. The Monkey is also a convincing talker and enjoys taking part in discussions and debates. Their friendly, self-assured manner can be very persuasive and they usually have little trouble in winning people round to their way of thinking - it is the reason that the Monkey often excels in politics and public speaking. They are also particularly adept in PR work, teaching and any job which involves selling.TRUE I love to learn new things and to teach,however I am not much for public speaking. It makes me too nervous.

They can, however, be crafty, cunning and occasionally dishonest and they will seize on any opportunity to make some quick gain or outsmart their opponents. TRUE to crafty and cunning, but I try my best never to be dishonest.

They have so much charm and guile that people don't realize what they are up to until it is too late. But despite their resourceful nature, they do run the risk of outsmarting even themselves. They have so much confidence in their abilities that they rarely listen to advice or are prepared to accept help from anyone. The Monkey likes to help others but prefers to rely on their own judgment when dealing with their own affairs.TRUE, I rarely ask for help, I am too self reliant, acutally.

With so many diverse talents, the Monkey is able to make considerable sums of money, but they do like to enjoy life and will think nothing of spending their money on some exotic holiday or luxury which they have had their eye on. They can, however, become very envious if someone else has got what they want. FALSE, I am still waiting on large sums of money, and I am happy about others good fortune rather than jealous.

The Monkey is an original thinker, and despite their love of company they cherish their independence. They have to have the freedom to act as they want and any Monkey who feels hemmed in or bound by too many restrictions can soon become unhappy. TRUE. Likewise, if anything becomes too boring or monotonous they soon lose interest and turn their attention to something else. The Monkey often lacks persistence and this can often hamper their progress. FALSE, if it becomes boring I try to spice it up, and I am extremely persistant. They are also easily distracted and it is a tendency which all Monkeys should try to overcome. They should concentrate on one thing at a time and by doing so will almost certainly achieve more in the long run.TRUE.

The Monkey is a good organizer and even though they may behave slightly erratically at times they will invariably have some plan at the back of their minds. On the odd occasion when their plans do not quite work out, they are usually quite happy to shrug shoulders and put it down to experience. They will rarely make the same mistake twice and throughout their lives they will try their hand at many things.TRUE.

The Monkey likes to impress and is rarely without followers or admirers. There are many who are attracted to them by their good sense of humour, or simply because they instil so much confidence. DEBATEABLE, some would say true, I say hmmm don't know about that.

Monkeys usually marry young and to be a success with their partner must allow them time to pursue their many interests and the opportunity to indulge in their love of travel. The Monkey also has to have a variety in his life and is especially well suited to those born under the signs of the Rat, Dragon, Pig, Snake and Goat. The Ox, Rabbit, Snake and Dog will also be enchanted by the Monkey's resourceful and outgoing nature, but the Monkey is likely to exasperate the Rooster and Horse and the Tiger will have little patience for the Monkey's tricks. A relationship between two Monkeys will also work well - they both understand each other and are able to assist each other in their various little enterprises.

Provided the Monkey can curb their desire to take part in all that is going on around them and concentrate on one thing at a time, they can usually achieve what they want in life and should not suffer any disappointments, the Monkey is bound to bounce back. The Monkey is a survivor and their life is usually both colourful and very eventful. TRUE,true,true. As is evident in my past entries.

So this is who I am, Happy New Year and cheers to all my fellow Monkeys out there.

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"The greatest happiness of life is the conviction that we are loved - loved for ourselves, or rather, loved in spite of ourselves."
Victor Hugo