Saturday, May. 08, 2004, 17:42

I really,really wanted to see you yesterday. I was so disappointed when you said I couldn't come over. You had been fine with the idea all week long, only to change your mind at the last minute. I keep asking myself why....why did you change your mind and why did I really want to see you so badly in the first place. Something about the way your eyes sparkle and the sound of your voice drives me wild. I had no ulterior motives other than to be in your presence and to feel your warmth in the room. I am beginning to doubt that you are real anymore. Instant messaging and infrequent phone calls make me think that you may be a ghost or a figment of my over active imagination. I fear that one day I will awaken to find that there are no words from you on the computer screen and that all the messages saved in my cell phone will have vanished.

I have been obsessing about you today, thinking of you every time I turn around. Which is especially bad since you have me reeling in circles.

Maybe I just need to get has been more than 4 months after all. Pity that I only want you to help me with that problem.

last - next

"The greatest happiness of life is the conviction that we are loved - loved for ourselves, or rather, loved in spite of ourselves."
Victor Hugo