Words on a Screen
Monday, May. 03, 2004, 19:14

I have been on Diaryland for a while now, and I have a few people that I read regularly. Some have become very close friends across the miles. We keep in touch mainly through diary postings and the glorious guest books that most members have.

Every now and then you come across someone whose words just speak to you. Someone whom you feel that you have so much in common with. You feel their pain, their laughter and want to desperately wipe their tears away. There are those people whom you read and think that they must be great people to know. You laugh with them at their mishaps, you want to hug them when they write of unrequited love, which by the way does hurt more when you are not thirteen, and you cheer when they have possibly found the right match for them.

I have been reading such a diary lately and I have become enthralled with this mans writing. He seems to have so much in common with me, we are close in age, have both been married and now divorced, searching the internet for that one true love and live in a modest house that we are both extremely proud to call our own. I always check my buddy list first thing to see if he has updated recently and have even scrolled back through numerous entries of his since I have "found" his diary. He honestly seems like someone that I would like to know. This may be a bit odd to some people, but I have been wondering about things such as what his laugh sounds like and if he clears his throat when he is nervous. Who knows maybe one day he will come out of his Diaryland shell to find a new friend. Stranger things have happened, I am sure. You gotta love this whole internet thing.

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"The greatest happiness of life is the conviction that we are loved - loved for ourselves, or rather, loved in spite of ourselves."
Victor Hugo