Short Story
Thursday, Oct. 30, 2003, 21:56

She sat on the edge of the sofa, staring intently into the fire,watching the crackling embers burn a kaleidoscope of rich red and orange. She still held the wine glass and slowly sipped the last of the Chianti, his favorite wine in fact. He had been gone for hours, but she could still smell him in the air around her. She could still feel his warmth on her skin and his breath in her ear. It was as if he hadn't left her, as if he were still in the room watching over her. She was not afraid to be alone so far out in the middle of nowhere. The waves crashing against the shore brought an unusual calmness to her this evening. She knew that Michael had given her this sense of peace and quiet. Simply with a kiss he had calmed her soul and eased all doubt from her mind.

She slowly arose from the couch and walked over to the bay window. The moonlight glistened on the water and she could make out the whitecaps of the waves. The ocean was alive with a fury that she herself had felt hours ago. She had never felt as much passion and desire as she did with him and she knew that she would never forget the way that he had loved her or how he had finally shown her what was deep inside her heart. "Mmmm, this is what its supposed to feel like." she thought as she smiled at her reflection in the glass. She noticed movement behind her and turned to face it. There she saw him, standing in the doorway, smiling, reaching for her hand. He had come back and she knew that he would never leave her again.

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"The greatest happiness of life is the conviction that we are loved - loved for ourselves, or rather, loved in spite of ourselves."
Victor Hugo