Saturday, Feb. 05, 2005, 22:14

I don't know why I do this to myself. It seems that once I decide not to think about something, or in this case someone, it is everything I can do not to think of it/them.
My date the other night went really well and its true that he and I want to see each other again, but I catch my thoughts returning to John and unfortunately comparing the two "first dates". Both were casual easy going dates, nothing too fancy or uptight. Both were filled with laughter and fun, but somehow conversation with John was easier. John and I had a connection and a chemistry that was lacking in my date with 'the new guy'. There was a spark with John that was missing this time. It really became apparent to me when I reread how I described my first date with John versus the date with 'New Guy'
It was right there, rocking back and forth that he kissed me and I realized that I had been waiting for that kiss from the moment I saw him. I had even thought about it when he pointed out that I was an "Ig-No-Ra-Moose" because I had left four pegs in the golf tee game. The truth of the matter was that I couldn't think of anything else other than his smile when I was trying my hand at the game.

and all 'New Guy' got was a few lines about how down to earth he was and what type of car he drove. Maybe I am making too much out of this, maybe there is nothing to it at all. Maybe.....and I'm sure this is it...I am just being cautious and keeping my excitement in check. At any rate, I cannot live in the past nor can I be afraid of the future. Time will tell and "NO REGRETS" is the affirmation for the day.

last - next

"The greatest happiness of life is the conviction that we are loved - loved for ourselves, or rather, loved in spite of ourselves."
Victor Hugo